Band of Angels fosters the talent of music students across KC with our growing list of programs.

Instrument Collection, Refurbishing & Distribution

Gently used, high quality instruments are collected, refurbished and gifted to music students who face a financial barrier preventing participation in a music program. In 2019 almost 200 instruments went to students!


Our One-For-One program allows directors to exchange older, worn and poor performing instruments for higher quality instruments for student use in their classrooms.  Band of Angels provided over 75 instruments this year for classroom use.

College Scholarships

As Band of Angels continues to grow, we are privileged to see our students graduate from high school and move on to college. Our commitment to student success goes beyond high school.

Summer Music Camp Scholarships

Music instruction and mentoring are an important part of student success. Band of Angels began offering summer music camp scholarships in 2012 to approximately six students. Now, Band of Angels provides almost 100 summer music camp scholarships each year.

Community Outreach & Special Initiatives

Band of Angels recognizes that other programs in our community support the mission of our organization.  Ensuring program success for those students.  Band of Angels supports programs like the UMKC Musical Bridges, String Sprouts, KC Marching Cobras and other local music and music education programs.

Band Fee Scholarship

BOA is recognizing a new student need.  Annual band fees are becoming a barrier for student participation in music programs.  As the need is growing for student financial assistance, BOA is preparing to meet this need for students.