Help Sherae be a Rock Star at this year’s Art That Blows!
July 8th, 2022 – At The Abbott KC – 1901 Cherry St.
A silent art auction in the Crossroads to benefit Band of Angels
I have been nominated to be a Band of Angels Rock Star. As a Rock Star, I’m fundraising for the local KC charity Band of Angels. Band of Angels gives free instruments and music camp scholarships to kids in financial need.
Use PromoCode “SheraeRocks” at checkout to help me hit my fundraising goal!

What does being a Rock Star mean to you?
Helping kids achieve the best life possible is one of the greatest goals in my life. As the host and producer of Thursday’s Child on FOX4 I work with foster children to help them find families. Many foster children, and children in general, don’t have the opportunity to own things like an instrument. I’m excited to have the opportunity to help them as well.
One of my childhood friends, Keith Leung, played most any instrument you put in front of him. He dedicated his life to helping children learn instruments and even loaned his personal instruments to them so they can learn and participate in school. He passed away around three years ago. I feel like he would love to see me being involved in helping children here in the KC metro.
What was your first concert, when, and where?
My first concert was Ringo Starr at the Concord Pavilion in California. I was obsessed with the Beatles at the time and I was in sixth grade when I got to see Ringo perform.
Who is your favorite musician or group?
Dolly Parton is my favorite musician
What is your hype song and why?
I Would Die 4 U by Prince or 9 to 5 by Dolly Parton
You can help me and this great cause by joining me at Art That Blows, Band of Angels’ annual charity art auction. With an open bar, DJ, and amazing art, it’s going to be the best summer party in the Crossroads!
Click on the button below to make a donation, and help me be the biggest ROCK STAR for Band of Angels!
Use PromoCode “SheraeRocks” at checkout to help me hit my fundraising goal!