Help Carlanda be a Rock Star at this year’s Art That Blows!

July 8th, 2022 – At The Abbott KC  – 1901 Cherry St. 
A silent art auction in the Crossroads to benefit Band of Angels

I have been nominated to be a Band of Angels Rock Star. As a Rock Star, I’m fundraising for the local KC charity Band of Angels. Band of Angels gives free instruments and music camp scholarships to kids in financial need.

Use PromoCode “CarlandaRocks” at checkout to help me hit my fundraising goal!

What does being a Rock Star mean to you?
I began playing the violin in 4th grade and remember how happy I was to be learning music. I played from that point all the way through college and it made such a difference in my school experience. I can’t imagine not having the opportunity to learn music and benefitting from all the doors it opened for me. Being able to help another child experience that through my participation as a Rock Star brings it full circle. I’m paying it forward in a way I didn’t see coming and I am so excited and honored to be a part of this group. Rock on!
What was your first concert, when, and where?
The first concert I attended was Alicia Keys in St. Louis, circa 2008. It was magical. Her voice, omgoshhhh her VOICE. It filled the arena and gave me goosebumps.
Who is your favorite musician or group?
Musician, Dave Koz. Group, One Republic.
What is your hype song and why?
There are many, but currently Hall of Fame by The Script gets me so hype. If you listen to the lyrics you will fully understand why. “You can be the greatest, you can be the best. You can be King Kong bangin’ on your chest. You can beat the world, you can beat the war. You can talk to God, go bangin on his door…” AMAZING!

You can help me and this great cause by joining me at Art That Blows, Band of Angels’ annual charity art auction. With an open bar, DJ, and amazing art, it’s going to be the best summer party in the Crossroads!

Click on the button below to make a donation, and help me be the biggest ROCK STAR for Band of Angels!

Use PromoCode “CarlandaRocks” at checkout to help me hit my fundraising goal!